根据中国水资源总量丰富 ,相对量较少 ,时空、地域分布不均衡的情况 ,水污染态势难以遏制 ,水资源浪费普遍存在 ,水资源管理体制尚未纳入市场管理轨道等问题 ,从农业、工业、生活用水方面预测未来 5 0年我国水资源需求矛盾仍然十分突出 ,提出 2 1世纪我国水资源必须建立有权威的中央统一管理和以市场经济为核心的管理体制 ,全面落实节水方针 ,开展中国水资源“生态 -经济学”研究。
Based on some facts related to water resources in China, such as small per capita quantity, uneven space time distribution, difficult control of water pollution, waste of water, and non market management system, from the aspects of industrial, agricultural, and domestic water utilization, it is predicted that the demand supply conflict of water resources in China will keep outstanding for the coming 50 years. An authoritative centralized management system, with market economy as the core, is proposed for water resources protection. The implementation of water saving guideline and study on “ecology economy” of water resources in China are also suggested.
Water Resources Protection