将标度理论应用于暴雨的时间尺度问题 ,研究了暴雨强度随历时变化的标度性质 ,并探讨了暴雨公式的理论基础。由标度理论阐述了暴雨标度性质 (标度不变性 )在时间尺度上的意义 ,并用重庆北碚站的降雨资料对标度性质进行了验证 ,结果表明 :在一定的时间尺度范围 ( 1~ 7天 )内暴雨强度随历时变化具有单标度性质。最后由暴雨随历时变化的标度性质 。
The scale theory is applied to time scale of rainfall . By using the 52 years(from 1935 to 1986) daily rainfall data of Chongqing Beibei station , we calculate the moments and Cv(coefficient of variation) of rainfall intensity with different duration . The result is that the variation of annual maximum mean rainfall with duration has simple scaling property in the range from 1 to 7 days . Based on the scale theory , we demonstrate that the rainfall Intensity-Duration-frequency form is the representation of scaling property of variation of rainfall with duration.
Sichuan Hydropower
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (编号 :498710 18)