由于增压流化床燃烧 (PFBC)技术的自身特点 ,使得气力输送技术成为增压流化床燃烧技术连续稳定供料和排料的有效手段。作者考察了锅炉压力为 0 6MPa下 ,气力输煤系统喷射器 (无扩散管 )气体喷嘴的位置和固气比对输送稳定性的影响 ,以及在锅炉压力为 0 6MPa下连续气力输灰特性。试验研究发现 :输煤系统中 ,物料质量流率与喷射器的几何参数关系非常密切。输灰系统在较高的固气比 (μ≥3)
The specific feature of pressurized fluidized bed combustion (PFBC) technology itself Ires led to the pneumatic transport technology becoming an effective means of continuous and stable feeding and discharge of solids for the above-cited technology. The authors have under a boiler pressure of 0.6 MPa investigated the effect of the location of gas nozzle in a pneumatic coal transport system injector (without a diffuser tube) and solid/gas ratio on the pneumatic transport stability. Also investigated were the characteristics of continuous pneumatic transport of ash under a boiler pressure of 0.6 MPa. Through the experimental investigation it has been found that in the coal transport system the mass flow rate of materials is closely related to the geometric parameters of the injector and the ash transport system can ensure a continuous and stable operation under a relatively high solid/gas ratio (μ≥3).
Journal of Engineering for Thermal Energy and Power
国家"九五"重点攻关基金资助项目( 97-2 2 6 )
国家重点基础研究基金资助项目 (G19990 2 2 10 5 35 )