苏南及沿江地区矿产资源丰富 ,并以粘土、建材、冶金辅助原料和有色金属、贵金属等 4类优势矿产为特色 ,其分布地域广、储量大、种类齐全。充分利用现有矿产资源 ,变资源优势为经济优势 ,同时开拓新的找矿领域 ,发展前景十分广阔。
The mineral resources in southeast Jiangsu and rivercoasts are characteristics of abundance, vast in distribution, big in reserves and complete in variety, with clay minerals, building materials, auxiliary metallurgical materials and nonferrous and noble metals as particular varieties. To fully use the present minerals, explore some new domains and translate the mineral advantage into economic advantage, the development of the mineral industry will have a bright future.
Jiangsu Geology