在原大气-植被相互作用模式AVIM的基础上作了改进,包括对植被生理过程,如(1)光合作用;(2)呼吸;(3)分配和(4)物候等新的描述方法。对青藏高原上 30个站点进行模拟计算,给出了高原上地表辐射及水热物理通量以及地表拖曳系数和地面反照率的分布特征。模拟结果表明净辐射和感热通量山东南向西北增加,高原西北部地表反照率较高,东南部地表反照率较低。
A revised version of the Atmosphere-Vegetation Interaction Model AVIM is given. The physiological processes of this model, such as photosynthesis, respiration, allocation and phenology are described in detail in this paper. It also presents the way of the interactions between the physical pro-cesses and the physiological processes in the AVIM model. The simulated distributions of land surface physical fluxes, such as net radiation, sensible heat fluxes, and some dynamical parameters, such as sur-face drag coefficient (CD) and albedo on the Tibetan Plateau by the atmosphere-vegetation interaction model (AVIM) are presented in this part of the paper. The results show that the net radiation and sensi-ble heat fluxes increase from the southeast to the northwest of the plateau, and the same apply for the latent heat flux by transpiration. The simulated distribution of albedo is close to the observed distribu-tion, and since it is shown that vegetation plays an important rule in it.
Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences