厚煤层现代开采体系是用当代科技的最新成果武装和改造矿井“开采体系”的开拓方式、生产布局、设备配置、采煤、掘进、提升、运输、通风、供水、供电等各个要素 ,达到设备与系统、布局与管理、人与物之间的匹配协调 ,使传统产业跟上现代科技发展的步伐。兖州矿区厚煤层现代开采体系的研究重点是 :年产 6 0 0万t综放装备与工艺体系研究、厚煤层矿井高效辅助运输系统研究、复杂条件下厚煤层开采技术研究和高性能、高可靠性设备的国产化研究。
Thick coal seam modern mining system is based on utilizing the latest technological achievements to transform the major factors of coal mining system including coal mine development, production system layout, equipment configuration, coal mining, driveage, hoisting, haulage, ventilation, water supply and power supply, etc. This is aimed at achieving adaptability between equipment and the whole system, layout and management and workforce and materials so that the traditional industry keep abreast with the advancement of modern technology. Focus of R&D on thick coal seam modern mining system carried out by Yanzhou Mining Group covers research on fully mechanized longwall face with top coal caving systems for use in 6.0Mt/a capacity mines, research on highly efficient auxiliary transport system for use in thick coal seam mines, research on thick coal seam mining technology for use under complicated geological conditions and research on localized manufacturing of relevant equipment of high performance and improved reliability in this country.
China Coal