就阔叶树的特点和阔叶树改良现状 ,探讨了长短结合、系统改良与局部突破结合、常规与超常规结合的阔叶树遗传改良策略 ,即母树林途径、无性系途径、“有性育种 ,无性快繁推广”的交互发展途径以及现代生物技术育种途径等 。
This paper approaches the broad leaved tree genetic improvement tactics with regard to broad leaved tree features and improvement status,namely the ways of seed stand,clone and mutual development between sexual breeding and clonal rapid propagation popularization as well as modern biology technique breeding,etc.Furthermore,it raises the tactics for strengthening broad leaved tree breeding population protection.
Journal of Fujian Forestry Science and Technology