肝片形吸虫病是一种人畜共患的寄生虫病 ,对反刍类动物有很大的危害。金毛羚牛属于我国一级保护动物 ,由于长期生活在西北干旱地区 ,对肝片形吸虫的抗性很差 ,进入肝片形吸虫疫区后 ,危害变得更严重。为了有效的控制金毛羚牛的肝片形吸虫病 ,需寻找一种高效低毒的驱虫药物 。
The Fascioliasis is one of the zoonosis, and become seriously to ruminant. Budarcas taxicolor is the first division protective in our country, which lives in the northwest mountain area and lack of the capability of resistance Fascioliasis. When she has been brought in the focus of Fascioliasis, it become more seriously. For protect the B.taxicolor, it have to look for a high potency and hypotoxicity antiscolic, and provide the treat process. The result show that 《Lingniu No.1》 is the best.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Parasitology