更新老的凝汽器设计概念 ,对凝汽器运行进行分析 ,使汽轮机组运行的经济性得以充分地发挥。降低热耗、消除凝结水的过冷现象、提高真空、合理地选材和冷却面积最有效地合理利用是当今改造、设计 ,提高中、大型汽轮机组热效率的内容之一。尤其是对众多已运行了二、三十年的老机组的凝汽器改造或更新更为重要。尽管不同凝汽器制造厂家不同的结构型式 ,均面临同样的问题。针对凝汽器冷却管束的一些相关内容 。
Renew to the old design concept and analysis for the operation of the condenser can obtain the full economical operation of steam turbine unit. Heat rate Reducing, condensate overcooled removing, vacuum improving, reasonable material selecting and reasonable availing of the cooling area are contents to reengineer and design for improving the thermal efficiency of middle/large scale steam turbine. It is important especially for rebuilding or renewing the condenser of the old unit operating for twenty to thirty years. All condensers with different manufacture or with different structure shall be confronted with the same problem. This paper gives fully analysis for the relevant items to the condenser bundle design.
Turbine Technology