通过在不同肥料和缩节安化控条件下对棉株不同部位铃重变化研究表明 ,与对照相比 ,高产棉株上部铃重得到了更大的提高。在养分分配机理上表现为上部铃对位果枝叶的氮磷钾积累增加 ,14 C光合产物输出加快 ,输入棉铃的全氮和可溶性糖流量及 14 C光合产物速度加快。而且输导结构也得到改善 ,这说明在长江下游棉区 ,通过合理栽培技术应用 ,能有效协调养分分配 ,促进上部铃增重 。
Different part boll weight were studied in the application of the nitrogen fertilizer and DPC in cotton and the results showed that the upper part boll weight raised significantly compared to the control(CK) in the high yield. The nutrient distribution indicated that the total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium accumulation of opposite leaf for upper part boll increased, 14 C photosynthetic substance export rate became rapid, the import speed of the sap of total nitrogen and dissolve sugar and 14 C photosynthetic substance were also more rapid in the phloem of upper part boll stalk, and the transport issue structure of leaf stalk improved better. The mechanism showed that the upper part boll weight could increase and the yield could raise further by reasonable application of cultural factors in the Jiangsu cotton district.
Cotton Science
扬州大学农业部江苏省作物栽培生理重点开放实验室基金 ( K986 4 )