The significance of Chrysoperla sinica, a predominant native predator, in controlling pests of cotton, corn and vegetables in Northern. China is often hampered by its low populations in the early season. To develop new strategies of increasing the lacewing population, field experiments on inoculative release of mass reared C. sinica in wheat fields in late spring-early summer were conducted in Dingzhou, Hebei Province during 1986-1987. Investigations at the harvest of wheat showed that 33% of the cocoons, of C. sinica was on tips of the wheat plants, while 67% was attached on the lower dried leaves and in ground crevices. Releases of the first instar larvae on April 28, May 10 and May 17 resulted in 27%, 53.5% and 36.3% pupation rates, respectively, by the time of wheat harvest. The adult emergence rates of these pupae were 100%, 67% and 23%, respectively. Delayed releases resulted in reduction of the adult emergence rate. It was found that unemerged cocoons by the harvest were mostly damaged by processing of wheat straw and tillage and seeding practices. Adults emerged from the wheat field dispersed on to cotton, corn, and other summer crops after the harvest. The number of safely emerged adults from the wheat field would influence the initial population number of the lacewings on the summer crops. Thus, the optimal timing for the release was determined to be one month prior to wheat harvest, or mid-May. Release of C. sinica in 430 mu of wheat fields resulted in a significant increase in the adult numbers on corn in the releasing area, compared with that in the non-releasing area. The survival rates of the lacewings released in fields of potato, alfalfa, or vegetable beans were all significantly lower than that released in wheat fields.
Chrysoperta sinica inoculative release mass rearing wheat pest