目的 :探讨脾损伤不同时期B型超声检查的声像图特征。材料与方法 :将 42例脾损伤声像图按不同检查时间分为A、B两组 :A组为伤后 30~ 6 0分钟检查 ,B组为伤后 6 0分钟以后检查 ,并对A、B二组脾损伤声像图特征进行比较分析。结果 :A、B二组的声像图分类构成有明显的差异。A组高回声型明显高于B组 ,而B组的混合性回声型明显高于A组。部分患者受伤范围较小 ,位于脾实质中央 ,经保守治疗 ,远期复查 ,以无回声的液性暗区为主。结论 :脾损伤因超声检查时间不同 ,声像图会有很大差异。最早以高回声型表现为主 ,然后向混合型回声 ,无回声液性区转变。
Purpose:To study the ultrasound image feature of spleen trauma in different times.Materials and Methods:The image of ultrasound in 42 cases with spleen trauma were analyzed and divided into two growps according to different times after injury:Group A 30~60 minutes after injury;Group B 60 minutes~.Results:There was significant different in the structure of sonography classification between two groups.Conclusion:The image of spleen trauma is changable with time.the high echos occus in early time after injury and then changes into mixed echos
Modern Medical Imageology