On. the basis of the scrutiny of the high performance liquid chroma-tography of Antibiotic 5102-1, the principal components of Antibiotic5102-1, which are active in the inhibition of Pellicularia sasakii and ableto produce typical abnormal branches, have been isolated from the star-ting strain 10-22 and the fermented product of fusant FR-008. The resultfurther verifies that FR-008, of which the aerial hyphae and culturalcharacteristics are not exactly the same as those of the starting strain, isa recombinant of intraspecific fusion of Streptomyces hygroscopicus var.yingchengensis. In the experiment, a new antimicrobial substance hadbeen isolated and purified from the fermented product of fusant FR-008.The substance show a color of dark blue when reacted with concentratedsulphuric acid and concentrated hydrochloric acid and display an absorp-tion peak at 403, 380, 360, 340nm respectively in the UV-VIS absorp-tions. These characteristics indicate that it is a kind of heptaene macro-lide antibiotic. In the process of liquid chromatography for aromatic mo-iety, this antibiotic is found to contain p-amino-acetophenone moiety.Sample of methanol hydrolysis and hydrolysis of methanol-hydrolisedsample of the antibiotic have been determined by means of amino acidanalyser, and are found to contain aminosugar moiety different fromthat in all the other heptaene macrolide antibiotics. The deatiled structureof the aminosugar moiety has yet to be identified in further studies.
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology