新兴商业银行与国有商业银行已经确定了上市的方向 ,上市后就必须建立独立董事制度。根据国外的实践 ,独立董事制度对于改善上市公司法人治理有积极作用 ,但也有局限性。为了充分发挥独立董事制度的作用 ,应该健全有关法律法规、建立相应的激励约束机制、加强对独立董事的培训等。
The new growing up and four biggest commercial banks have set up the goals to be listed,with which separate directors system should be enforced.According to the practices in foreign countries ,separate directors system can do great help to listed companies′ corporate control ,but the effect is limited.The complete law and system,the motivation and obligation mechanism ,and the training for separate directors should be set up.
Journal of China Three Gorges University(Humanities & Social Sciences)