目的 :了解医学院新生心理健康情况。方法 :用大学生心理健康问卷 ,对我院 2 0 0 0级新生 ( 2 6 1名本科生、16 0名专科生、2 2名专升本学生 )在入学期的心理健康教育后进行了调查 ,根据分类标准将学生分为三类 :一类学生可能有心理问题 ;二类学生应引起关注 ;三类学生目前心理健康。结果 :一类学生 12 .47% ,二类学生 35 .89%。不同学生间有差异。结论
Objective: To know the mental health of medical college students. Methods: After mental health education, a total freshman of 443 classes (261 five years, 160 three years and 22 from three to five years students) in our college were investigated with the University Personality Inventory (UPI), and according to the classification standard their mental states were divided into three types: The first may have the mental problem; The second should be paid more concerns; The third have good mental health. Results: The first kind of students is 12.47%, The second the second kind of students is 35.89%. There is difference between different students. Conclusion: As a result, more attention shoud be paid to new students in a medical college.