随着经济体制改革的不断深入 ,第三产业在农村小城镇迅猛发展 ,与健康相关的饮食服务业成倍增加 ,产生了自身卫生管理跟不上、卫生设施简陋、行政处罚收效不大、执行阻力增加等一系列的新问题。该文运用辩证唯物主义观点和方法 ,结合近年来开展卫生监督工作的实际 ,论述了如何处理好“情与理”、“管与帮”、“点与面”、“表与里”、“纵与横”的关系 ,阐明了开展农村卫生监督工作必须坚持以理抒情、情理共济、管帮结合、实事求是、抓点带面、治本促表和搞好公共关系。
With the deepening of reform of economic system, the third industry was developing rapidly in township. Restaurant and other catering business related with health had increases several times. New problems were appearing. For instance, health self-management was lag, health instrument was poor, effect of administrative punishment was weak, and hindrance of law enforcement was increasing. With dialectical materialism method, combined with practice of health supervision work in recent years, the author discussed how to deal well with relationships between affection and reason, control and help, spot and entire area, the outside and the inside, length and breadth. This paper clarified that carrying out health supervision should insist in combination of affection and reason, combination of control and help, being in a practice way, developing entire area work through spot, advancing the outside through dealing with the inside, establishing public relationship and good external environments.
Chinese Health Service Management