
变色颜料 被引量:3

Color-changeable Pigments
摘要 变色颜料严格地讲,应属于无机颜料,但许多变色颜料都是和传统的有机颜料复合使用,使传统的颜料、涂料工业以及防伪油墨等受到了极大的挑战,充满了商机。本文综述了变色颜料的最新发展,重点介绍了变色颜料的结构、光可变机理、随视角变化的CIELAB色彩空间坐标图及加工工艺。 Strictly the unique color changing characteristics of the color - changeable pigments are of inorganic pigments, if they are used in combination with organic pigments they would provide a diversified possibility in coloration industry to meet special criteria for its application. Compared to the traditional pigments, coatings and anti - counterfeiting oil, the color- changeable pigments are of high promising commercial prospects. The recent developments of color - changeable pigments, giving emphasis to their structures, photochromism, CIELAB color space diagrams as well as the technology are reviewed.
出处 《染料工业》 2001年第4期8-11,共4页 Dyestuff Industry
关键词 变色颜料 光可变机理 CIELAB色彩空间坐标图 光致变色 color-changeable pigments photochromism CIELAB color space diagram
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