云南省卫生厅与加拿大国际发展署在云南省的 10个县开展了建立自我依靠思想、依靠社区资源解决社区妇女、儿童健康问题的社区卫生工作为主的妇幼保健合作项目。项目实施后 ,社区妇幼卫生工作者服务能力不断提高、妇幼保健服务不断完善、社区参与意识不断增强、群众开始关注自己的健康 ,孕产妇死亡率及婴儿死亡率呈逐年下降趋势。云南省农村社区卫生工作模式的探索及经验 ,为边远、贫困地区在有限资源的情况下 ,依靠社区力量解决社区卫生问题 。
In 10 counties of Yunnan Province, Yunnan Province Health Ministry and Canada International Development Office carried out the Maternity and Child Health Care Cooperative Items which took community health work as center, basing self dependency thinking, depending on community resource to resolve community women and children's health questions. After carrying out the items, the community maternity and child health workers' servoce ability were improved constantly, health care service were perfected constantly, community participation consciousness were strengthened. People begin to care their health. The mortality of pregnant and lying in women and infants has reduction tendency year after year. Research and experience of country community health work model in Yunnan Province provide a good clew for promoting the persistent development of the remote and needy district maternity and child health care, with limited resource, depending on community force to resolve community health questions.
Maternal and Child Health Care of China