目的 :对比观察腹腔镜行精索内静脉高位结扎术的优点。方法 :施行腹腔镜精索内静脉高位结扎术 2 2例与传统开放手术 2 8例进行对比研究。结果 :腹腔镜组与开放手术组手术时间分别为〔38.4 1±15 .0 7(10~ 80 )〕min和〔6 8.0 8± 2 7.4 2 (30~ 12 0 )〕min(P <0 .0 0 1) ,术后住院天数分别为〔2 .4 1± 1.0 8(1~5 )〕d和〔8.82± 2 .18(5~ 16 )〕d(P <0 .0 0 1)。结论 :腹腔镜精索内静脉高位结扎术与传统开放手术相比 ,具有手术时间短、住院天数少、局部美观等优点 ,尤适于常规手术后复发、有腹股沟手术史、肥胖及双侧精索静脉曲张患者。
Objective:To observe the effect of laparoscopic internal spermatic vein ligation.Methods:Laparoscopic internal spermatic vein ligation in 22 cases was compared with traditional open operation in 28 cases.Results:Operation time of laparoscopic group and traditional group were 〔38.41±15.07(10~80)〕min and 〔68.08±27.42(30~120)〕min( P< 0.001)respectively,hospitalization days were 〔2.41±1.08(1~5)〕d and 〔8.82±2.18(5~16)〕d respectively.Conclusion:Laparoscopy procedure has shorter operation time,less hospitalization days,less analgesic using and less spending. It has great advantage for recurrent,bilateral or fat patients,and those with inguinal operation history.
Acta Academiae Medicinae Shandong