目的了解门诊人群掌握高血压相关知识的状况及其来源。方法横断面性质的流行病学研究。采用国际通用的现场测量与问卷调查相结合的标准方法 ,分别在中国北方、南方和中部 8个城市 ,选择 18家医院 (其中三级医院 10家 ,二级医院 6家 ,一级医院 2家 ) ,对来这些医院内科、妇科和其它科门诊就诊的 35岁及以上患者进行了专项调查。结果本次共调查 970 3人 ,一级医院、二级医院、三级医院分别入选 12 16例 (12 .5 % ) ,2 32 4例 (2 4.0 % )及 6 16 3例(6 3.5 % ) ,性别、年龄比例基本平衡。调查人群中群掌握高血压相关知识 0级 6 .4% ,1级 12 .1% ,2级 2 5 .5 % ,3级41.4% ,4级 14.6 %。有关高血压知识的来源依次为 :报纸 /杂志 40 % ,朋友 /家人 2 9% ,医师 2 8% ,电视 (2 2 % ) ,收音机(6 % ) ,其它渠道 (1% )。文化程度高者主要通过报纸杂志获取信息 ;而文化程度较低者 ,则以通过朋友及医务人员的渠道获取知识者居多。结论门诊调查人群高血压常识掌握不够全面、充分 。
Objective To estimate the current status and sources of hypertension knowledge in the outpatients.Methods A cross sectional study was used among the outpatients population over the age of 35 years in 18 general hospitals (provincial,district and community) representing the different levels of medical care in 8 major cities covering Northern and Southern China.The survey included a clinical interview with two times of blood pressure measurement and a questionnaire.Results A total of 9 703 subjects were investigated in this project.Patients from different levels of hospital were similarly distributed by gender and by age.Of all the 9 703 subjects,4 510(46 5%)were found to be hypertensive.6 4%,12 1%,25 5%,41 4% and 14 6% of all participants were categorized into hypertension know ledge grade 0,1,2,3 or 4 respectively,which was classified based on the number of correct answers to four questions about hypertension knowledge.The results indicated that their sources of information about hypertension came primarily from newspaper/magazine(40%),friend/relative(29%),doctor(28%),TV(22%),radio (6%),other(1%).The patients with high education mainly obtained the information from media,otherwise mostly from doctors,friends or relatives.Conclusion There was not enough hypertension knowledge acquired in participants.The health education about hypertension knowledge in the population should be strengthened via multiple accesses.
Chinese Journal of Prevention and Control of Chronic Diseases
Hypertension knowledge
Epidemiological survey