目的 :探讨中西医结合预防急性白血病化疗引起的胃肠道反应的疗效。方法 :将 90例联合化疗的急性白血病患者随机分为三组 :A组 (中西医结合组 ) 3 0例 ,服用自拟降逆止呕汤结合盐酸利多卡因静滴。B、C组 (胃复安组、蒽丹西酮组 )各 3 0例 ,分别单用胃复安肌注、蒽丹西酮静脉推注 ,观察各组化疗中恶心呕吐次数的变化。结果 :A组有效率 93 .3 3 %,显效率 90 .0 0 %,疗效显著高于B组 (有效率 3 6 .6 7%,显效率 3 3 .3 3 %) ,P<0 .0 1 ,与 C组 (96 .6 7%,93 ,3 3 %)疗效大致相同。结论 :中药结合利多卡因预防急性白血病化疗引起的胃肠道反应 ,疗效高 ,价格低廉 ,可作为一种新的化疗辅助用药方法。
Objective:To explore the therapeutic effectiveness of integrated therapy of preventing gastrointestinal reactions in leukemia cases receiving chemotherapy.Methods:90 cases were divided into A group(30 case treated with Jiang- Ni- Zhi- Ou Decoction and L idocaine) ,B group(30 cases treated with Metoclopram ide) and C group(30 cases treated with andexiton) .Results:The effective rate in the integrated group was93.33%while they were36 . 6 7and 96 .6 7%of the Metoclopram ide and andexiton groups..Conclusion:Jiang- Ni- Zhi- Ou Decoction and L idocaine were effective in reducing gastrointestinal reactions in L eukem ia Cases Treated with Chemotherapy.
Zhejiang Journal of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine