目的 探讨天津市恒牙早期正常牙合儿童的颅面特征。方法 对天津市 70名恒牙早期正常牙合儿童常规拍摄X线头颅侧位片 ,按Downs、Tweed、Steiner分析法进行计算机测量分析。结果 得出天津市恒牙早期正常牙合X线头颅测量值 ,并与北京、西安、哈尔滨、上海的测量值进行比较。结论 不同地区正常牙合青少年其X线头影测量的正常值有一定差异 ,因此不同地区应有各自相应的正常值标准 。
Objective In order to establish the normal value of radiographic cephalometry of Tianjin and to reveal the regular pattern and the characteristics concerning the growth of craniofacial morpholopy.Methods 70 students with early permanent dentition were selected as the samples.The cephalometric analysis methods of Downs?Tweed and Steiner were used in this study.Results The normal value of radiographic cephalometry for early permanent dentition on normal occlusal children of Tianjin were established and compared with Beijing?Xian?Harbin?Shanghai.Conclusion The results suggest that the cephalometric mearsuement values are various in different regional population.
Journal of Modern Stomatology