

Synthesis and Crystal Structure of the Methylsilyl Derivative of α-A-PW_9O_(34)^(9-): (TBA)_3[α-A-PW_9O_(34)(CH_3SiO)_3(CH_3Si)]
摘要 Reaction of the trivacant heteropolyanions α A PW9O349- with CH3SiCl3 leads to the formation of the organosilyl derivative (TBA)3[α A PW9O34(CH3SiO)3(CH3Si)]. The crystal X ray diffraction analysis shows that the crystalbelongs to orthorhombic with space group Pca21, M=3177.09 and the unit cell parameters: a=25.761(5)?,b=14.519(3)?,c=24.396(5)?.V=9124(3)?3,Z=4,Dc=2.225g·cm-3,μ(MoKα)=11.438mm-1,F(000)=5464,R=0.0561,Rw=0.0866. The anion consists of one α A PW9O349- anion linked by three CH3SiO+ groups, whichattached to the fourth CH3Si through three Si O Si bridges. Reaction of the trivacant heteropolyanions α A PW9O349- with CH3SiCl3 leads to the formation of the organosilyl derivative (TBA)3[α A PW9O34(CH3SiO)3(CH3Si)]. The crystal X ray diffraction analysis shows that the crystalbelongs to orthorhombic with space group Pca21, M=3177.09 and the unit cell parameters: a=25.761(5)?,b=14.519(3)?,c=24.396(5)?.V=9124(3)?3,Z=4,Dc=2.225g·cm-3,μ(MoKα)=11.438mm-1,F(000)=5464,R=0.0561,Rw=0.0866. The anion consists of one α A PW9O349- anion linked by three CH3SiO+ groups, whichattached to the fourth CH3Si through three Si O Si bridges.
出处 《无机化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期130-132,共3页 Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
基金 河南省杰出青年基金 河南省自然科学基金资助项目(No.004031800 004040300)
关键词 甲基硅衍生物 三缺位杂多阴离子 合成 晶体结构 有机硅衍生物 methylsilicon trivacant heteropolyanion synthesis crystal structure
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