总结了铝合金在青岛海域海水全浸区暴露 16年的腐蚀结果。防锈铝LF2Y2、LF6M (BL)、F2 1M、180YS在海水全浸区有好的耐蚀性 ,工业纯铝L4M、锻铝LD2CS的耐蚀性较差。无包铝层的硬铝LY12CZ和超硬铝LC4CS在海水中的耐蚀性很差。硬铝、超硬铝的包铝层起牺牲阳极作用 ,使基体受到保护。海生物污损对铝合金在海水中的腐蚀有明显影响。镁、锰能提高铝的耐海水腐蚀性 ,硅明显降低铝的耐蚀性 ,铜严重损害铝的耐蚀性。腐蚀电位较负的铝合金耐海水腐蚀性较好 ;
Corrosion results of aluminium alloys exposed to full immersion zone at Qingdao sea area of China for 16 years were obtained. LF2Y2, LF6M(BL), 180YS Al Mg Mn alloys and LF21M Al Mn alloy had good corrosion resistance in seawater. Corrosion resistance of L4M pure aluminium and LD2CS Al Mg Si Cu alloy was poor. Corrosion resistance of LY12CZ Al Cu Mg Mn alloy and LC4CS Al Zn Mg Cu alloys were very poor. Al cladding of LY12CZ(BL) and LC4CS(BL) alloys played a sacrificial anode role in corrosion process, and their base alloys were protected. Effect of fouling on corrosion of aluminium alloys in seawater is obvious. Mg, Mn may improve the corrosion resistance of aluminium in seawater. Si obviously deteriorates corrosion resistance of aluminium. Cu seriously deteriorates corrosion resistance of aluminium. Aluminium alloys that have relatively negative corrosion potentials are corrosion resistant, while aluminium alloys that have relatively positive corrosion potentials are not corrosion resistant.
Corrosion & Protection
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (5 9899140 )