采用含活性基团的有机硅树脂与含活性基团的丙烯酸树脂进行缩合改性 ,充分利用有机硅树脂的高耐候性和丙烯酸树脂的高附着力 ,再采用合适的耐候性好的固化剂 ,添加适当的助剂和颜填料配成涂料。通过控制其物理性能来调整配方 ,最终研制得到耐候性和防腐蚀性能优异的涂料。该涂料人工加速光老化 30 0 0h不粉化、不开裂、不起泡、不生锈 ,中性盐雾试验 2 0 0
A resin is obtained by modifying silicone resin which has active functional group with acrylic resin which also has active functional group. The reason for doing this is to combine the excellent weathering ability of silicone resin with the good adhesive strength of acrylic resin. High quality coatings can be made from the resins, other contents such as curing agent, pigment, fillings and accessory ingredients, etc. The recipe is adjusted by controlling coatings′ physical properties. The coating has great weathering ability and anti corrosion ability. The coating exhibited, no pulverization no cracking and no froth after 3000 hours accelerated photo aging. After 2000 hours room temperature salt spray accelerated corrosion testing the coating exhibited no observable change.
Corrosion & Protection
国家电力总公司"九五"重点科研项目(SPKJ0 0 7 0 4)