我国电子商务的发展 ,政府的职能和作用不能忽视。文章在分析和借鉴发达国家电子商务实践的基础上 ,就中国电子商务发展中的关键问题———政府角色的定位与职能界定进行了探讨 ,提出了在尽快培育起中国的电子商务市场 ,缩短与发达国家差距的过程中政府应充当的角色以及应承担的宏观指导、监督管理、参与促进。
Government plays an important role in the development of E-commerce. Based on the analysis of E-commerce practice in developed countries, the paper tries to identify the role of the government and demonstrate its directing, supervising, promoting and coordinating functions in establishing E-commerce market in China and in catching up with the developed countries as soon as possible.
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology:Social Sciences Edition