经济全球化给我国高等教育带来了新的机遇和挑战。面对严峻的竞争形势 ,我国高等教育应正确处理国际性与民族性、开放性与保护性、适应性与能动性、应对性与持续性的关系 ,在坚持社会主义办学方向的基础上 ,面向世界培养人才 ,加快教育结构、内容和形式的改革 ,建立健全与国际接轨的管理体制 ,强化高等院校的发展主体意识 ,增强高等院校的服务竞争力、科研竞争力 ,建立符合中国国情 ,具有中国特色和时代特征 。
The economic globalization has brought new opportunities as well as challenges to our country's higher education. Facing the serious competitive situations, our higher education should peoperly handle the relationship between world and nation, opening-up and protection, adaption and activity, temporariness and continuity. On the basis of socialist education, our higher education should cultivate intellects towards the world, quicken the reform of educational structure, content and forms, build up a healthy and internationalized managerial system, solidate the subjective awareness of developments in higher education, strengthen the competitiveness in offering excellent service and conducting scientific research, and construct a higher education system which conforms to our actual conditions and possesses Chinese characteristics and the spirit of the times and in which both international characters and national characters are integrated.
Journal of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology(Social Sciences)