简要分析了翻译中的层级对等。从英汉语言对比出发 ,分析了层级对等在词、词组、句子和篇章上的具体表现 ,发现英汉语言之间存在某种程度的层级对应 ,但也存在大量的对等错位。在语言的音、形、义等要素上 ,对等往往不能同时实现 ,一般要遵循先意义 ,后语音和形式对等的原则。
This paper makes an initial analysis of the hierarchical equivalence in translation. Based on contrastive studies between English and Chinese, it analyses the application of hierarchical equivalence on such levels as word, phrase, sentence, and discourse, demonstrating that there exists a hierarchical correspondence to some extent between English and Chinese despite numerous exceptions. Moreover, equivalence cannot be established simultaneously on the three key elements of language, and the general principle to follow is the priority of semantic equivalence to phonetic and formal equivalence.
Journal of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology(Social Sciences)