《豆棚闲话》在叙事艺术方面取得了令人瞩目的成就。首先,它从整体上 打破了以往话本小说的叙事方法:有不止一个叙述者和叙事者层次,采用了多种叙事视角; 就是在叙述故事的时候,它也在内容、形式、主题等很多方面突破了以往话本小说的创作成 规。无论是从内容上还是叙事手法上,《豆棚闲话》都是一部非常有特色的作品。
The narratological art of Doupeng Xianhua is noticeable. F irst of all, it broke the way other huaben stories were told: it has many narrat ors and narrates from different angles. When telling stories, the auther broke m any ways of how to narrate that other huaben stories were told. No matter in the context or in the style, this is an important work.
Yindu Journal