目的 探讨颅底肿瘤的手术进路。方法 采用经口半侧Lefort Ⅰ型截骨途径切除颅底巨大脊索瘤。结果 该手术进路避免了气管切开及下颌正中切开, 且面部不留疤痕, 手术视野清楚, 术后不影响咀嚼功能等优点。结论 经口半侧Lefort Ⅰ型截骨途径可用于切除颅底肿瘤。
Objective The study was investigate a approach for midline crani al base tumors. Methods Transoral approach for giant notochordoma used hemilater al Lefort Ⅰ osteotomy. Results A patient was presented with a giant notochordoma that w as sucessfully treated with a hemilateral Lefort Ⅰ osteotomy. Conclusion The technique may be used in midline cranial base tum ors.
Journal of Clinical Stomatology