根据近几年来电厂关于锅筒吊杆超差问题的反馈情况 ,吊杆弯曲半径始终是负差。吊杆弯曲直段超差 ,造成螺纹连接部分不够 ,是锅炉运行不安全因素。本文分析了锅筒吊杆超差原因 ,解决了锅筒吊杆弯曲半径的超差问题及锅筒吊杆弯曲直段的超差问题 。
According to the feedback about the hanger rod of the drum from the power site,the radius of the rod were mainly negative,even sometimes could not let the drum in The length of the bending rod was too short to cater the screw connection It is dangerous when the boiler works Hereafter the reasons of the hanger rod dimension exceeding problems, the bending radius of the rod exceeding and the bending length were too short problems are analysed So can assure the quality of the hanger rod of the drum
Boiler Manufacturing