目的 :对中小学学业不良学生的行为问题、有关家庭因素及父母养育方式进行比较研究。方法 :采用整群分层抽样的方法 ,选取深圳市普通学校中学业不良的初中和小学生 488例为研究组 ,对照组为这些学校各班中学业优良的学生 5 99人。用“儿童行为量表 (CBCL)”评定两组学生的行为问题 ,父母养育方式的调查用“父母养育方式评价量表 (EMBU)”。结果 :学业不良学生中男生明显多于女生 ,行为问题检出率为 16 95 % ,显著高于对照组 (11 0 9% )。其中小学阶段的问题集中体现在多动、违纪等少数外向性行为方面 ,初中阶段更为广泛 ,既有外向性行为问题 ,也有内向性的强迫、焦虑、抑郁等情绪问题。逐步回归分析表明 ,学习成绩与父亲文化程度、父亲与孩子相处时间及母亲对生活的满意度呈正相关 ,与行为问题总分和母亲年龄呈负相关。在学业不良学生的父母养育方式上对孩子过于严厉、惩罚过多 ;而关心、理解和鼓励不够。结论 :学业不良学生的行为问题突出 ,且随着年龄的增长呈泛化倾向。他们的父母职能存在较多缺陷。
Objective:To study behavior problems,family factors an d parental rearing styles in students with poor academic achievement.Meth od:Through stratified cluster sampling,488 primary or middle school studen t s were identified as study group(below 5th percentile in their classes),while th e controls were 599 students whose academic achievement were above 95th percent ile in their classes.All subjects completed EMBU,CBCL(children behavior checkli st).Results:Higher boy/girl ratio was pound in study group(326/162) than in control(291/308,χ 2=36.4,p<0.01).17% students in study group had behavior problems identified by CBCL,which was significantly higher than the rat e in control(11%).In primary school students,the behavior problems mainly manif ested as externalizing behavior,such as hyperactivity,delinquency.In middle sch ool students,apart from externalizing problem,obsession,anxiety and depression a ppeared as common internalized problems.Stepwise regression showed that academi c achievement correlated positively with edueation level of father,father's shar ed time with child and life-satisfaction of mother, and negatively with the tota l score of CBCL and the age of mother.The results of EMBU demonstrated that stu dent with poor achievement got more punishment and less care or understanding.Conclusion:Students with poor academic achievement have more behavior problems,which become more extensi ve with increase of age.Parents of these children have more deficits in parenti ng.
Chinese Mental Health Journal
student with poor academic achievement behavior problem parental rearing EMBU