
向量空间接入结构上的高效可验证秘密分享 被引量:3

Efficient Verifiable Secret Sharing on Vector Space Access Structures
摘要 可验证秘密分享是信息安全和密码学中的一个重要研究课题,在诸如对机密信息的安全保存与合法利用、密钥托管、面向群体的密码学、多方安全计算、接入控制及电子商务等许多方面都有着广泛的应用。针对目前对一般接入结构上的可验证秘密分享的研究非常薄弱这一特点,该文对一类具有良好代数性质的接入结构———向量空间接入结构上的可验证秘密分享进行了研究。提出了一个安全高效的广义可验证秘密分享协议。新提出的协议不仅具有最优的信息速率,而且计算和通信代价都远远地低于已有的同类协议。 Verifiable secret sharing is an important research area in information security and cryptography.It has wide applications in such fields as the safeguarding and legal use of confidential information,key escrow,group oriented cryptography,secure multiparty computation,access control and electronic commerce.But up to now,the study of verifiable secret sharing on general access structures is very weak.Aiming at this drawback,this paper does some research on verifiable secret sharing on vector space access structures with good algebraic properties.A secure and efficient generalized verifiable secret sharing protocol is proposed.Compared with similar protocols available,the newly proposed protocol has not only a maximum information rate,but also a far lower cost of computation and communication.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第3期60-62,73,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金(编号:60073052) 教育部博士点基金(编号:2000070101)
关键词 可验证密秘分享 向量空间 信息安全 密码学 Verifiable secret sharing,Vector Space,information security,cryptography
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