点是矢量 GIS中最基本的元素 ,线和面可以由其本身的特征点来加以抽象和表达 .针对当前国际 GIS数据质量标准中 ,只定义了衡量点位数值精度的情况 ,应 GIS可视化的要求 ,从图形角度出发 ,借鉴测绘学科中衡量平面点元位置不确定性的几何误差椭圆方法 ,通过计算点位坐标落入其本身误差椭圆内的概率大小 ,来定义矢量GIS中衡量点、线和面位置数据不确定性的点位误差椭圆、线位误差带和面位误差环等可视化度量指标族 ,以期丰富和完善当前 GIS数据质量的指标体系 ,从而可以更好地控制各种矢量在
We know that Line and polygon can be expressed by their feature points because point is the fundamental feature in vector GIS. Because only digital accuracy of point data is defined in the International Geographic Information System(GIS) data quality standard system, so this paper defines the visual indexes of point ellipse, line error band and polygon error donut to assess effect scope of their positional uncertainty according to the probability that the feature points dropping into their error ellipses based on the error ellipse expressing the positional uncertainty in surveying and mapping, we wish to richen and perfect the system of GIS data quality standard system and to control the data quality of many GIS databases to a higher accuracy.
Journal of Image and Graphics
国家自然科学基金 ( 4 980 10 16
40 10 10 2 2 )