在最小二乘法的基础上采用中心移动逐步搜索 ,能够不需试探便可确定搜索方向。然后利用最小二乘圆将误差圆分成正域和负域两部分 ,使计算量大大减少。在此基础上再利用删点技术将一些不必要用于计算的点删去 ,进一步减少计算量。这种技术应用于圆度误差最小区域评定中不但能够保证计算的精确度 ,而且达到了检测快速的目的。
On the basis of the least squares, a center moving method by point to point searching can confirm the direction of the moving without probe. And then the error circle is separated into two parts——the positive field and the negative field——by the least squares roundness, which can cut down the quantities of the calculating. On this basis, a deleting points method can delete some points that are not required. In this way, It can be applied to assessing roundness error by the minimum zone. The technique can not only ensure the computational precision, but also achieve the rapidity of the verification.
Acta Metrologica Sinica