氢脉泽是至今为止除极短时间测量间隔之外最稳定的频率标准 ,它是射电天文所必需的频率标准。本文讨论了为流动VLBI站研制的新一代氢脉泽的物理结构特点 ,包括对腔泡结构、磁屏蔽、原子束光学系统等采用的新技术。性能测试表明 ,在 80s到 1d之间其频率稳定度优于 1× 10 - 1 4 ,有了较大的提高。
The hydrogen maser is the most stable frequency standard generally available today for all but the shortest measuring time. It is an essential frequency reference standard for radio astronomy. The information about the design and specifications of a new generation of the H maser for Chinese mobile VLBI station is provided, including the improvement of the cavity bulb, magnetic shields, and atomic beam optics. The performance measurements show that its f?r?e?q?u?e?n?c?y s?t?a?b?i?l?i?t?y i?s b?e?t?t?e?r t?h?a?n 1×10 -14 for time interval from 80 s to 1 d.
Acta Metrologica Sinica