目的 探讨国人掌腱膜挛缩症的发病特点与治疗效果。方法 收集本院近 2 0年的临床 6 9例资料 ,从发生率、家族史、相伴的慢性心肺疾病、吸烟饮酒生活习惯、病理组织检查和手术效果等进行回顾性分析。结果 国人的本症发生率近几年有上升趋势 ;有家族史的患者罕见 ;且常伴有影响氧交换的慢性呼吸循环系统疾患 ;有烟酒嗜好者占 39 1% ;活动期有肌成纤维细胞簇集成团及大量Ⅲ型胶原纤维的病理组织出现 ;掌腱膜全部切除与部分切除的治疗效果无差异性。结论 戒烟戒酒及治疗慢性心肺疾病对防治国人掌腱膜挛缩症有积极意义 ;挛缩的病理组织基础是肌成纤维细胞簇集成团及大量Ⅲ型胶原纤维形成 ;应用显微外科手术彻底切除手掌。
Objective To investigate the incidence of Dupuytrens contracture and its treatment result. Methods Clinical data in 69 Chinese cases were collected and systematic review from its incidence, patients family history,association with chronic pulmonary heart disease,the habit of smoking or drinking,examination of pathological tissue and operative results.Results In recent years,the incidence of Dupuytrens contracture tends to rise.There were a few patients with inherited history.The patients used to associate with chronic pulmonary heart disorder,which affected oxyenic exchange.39 1% patients were found of smoking and drinking.The myofibroblast connected cell to cell and the type Ⅲ collagen tibers appeared in the lesion tissues in the active stage of Dupuytrens contracture.There was no significant difference from treament result between plam total aponeurectomy and segmental aponeurectomy.Conclusion To stop smoking and drinking have great significance of preventing Dupuytrens contracture.The chronic pulmonary heart disease must be treated.The pathological base of Dupuytrens contracture are the connection of myofibroblast and the formation of type Ⅲ collagen.To dissect the lesion tissues of palm and fingers thorougthly with microsurgical technique can prevent recurrence of disease.
Journal of Practical Hand Surgery