血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂 (ACEI)是 2 0世纪 80年代初期开始应用于临床的一类新型抗高血压药物 ,具有药效强、作用时间长、毒副作用少、依从性好等特点。近年来国外有关ACEI的药理学特点及ACEI在慢性肾病治疗过程中肾保护作用和费用效益比的研究结果表明 ,在慢性肾病治疗过程中ACEI除了能够预防、减轻和防止肾衰竭进行性加重外 ,费用效益比显著。
The angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor,a new type of antihypertensive drug was applied in clinic at the initial stage of 1980's.Its characteristics are powerful effect,long term action, few side effect and excellent compliance.In this essay,we define the recently development of the research of nephroprotection and cost effectiveness about ACEI in chronic nephropathies at abroad.The results suggest that ACEI have remarkably cost effective by delaying the progression to end stage renal failure in chronic nephropathies.
Railway Medical Journal