研究了石油牙轮钻头滑动轴承用钢SAE 8720经硼铬共渗处理后所得共渗层的组织形态及相结构;探讨了共渗处理工艺参数对共渗层组织的影响;时比分析了硼铬共渗层与渗硼层的脆性和耐磨性。结果表明,硼铬共渗层比渗硼层有更高的耐磨性争较小的脆性,能满足牙轮钻头滑动轴承的性能要求。
This article brings in studies on the microstructure of the boron-chromized layer (B-Cr layer) on SAE 8720 steel, discusses the effect of the process parameters on the structure of B-Cr layer, 'compares the brittleness and wear resistance of the B-Cr layer with that of the boronized layer. The investigation shows that the B-Cr layer has higher Wear resistance and lower brittleness and can satisfy the perrormance requirements of the plain bearings on roller bits.
China Petroleum Machinery