在实地调研基础上 ,对重庆市区企业的空间扩散行业类型、过程及效果进行了分析。近期 ,市区企业向外扩散的产业主要集中在汽车和摩托车配件类企业、食品和饮料类企业以及纺织和服装类企业。空间扩散范围近期以市区近郊为主 ,中期以市区周边县区和中等城市为主 ,远期则不断向三峡库区其它县区发展。在企业空间扩散分析基础上 ,重点就重庆市区企业对库区企业的空间整合模式进行了研究 ,并对不同的模式作了分析和探讨。最后 。
This paper makes an in-depth analysis on the type, process and effect of enterprises' spatial transfer in Chongqing municipality after a comprehensive investigation. At present, the enterprises transfer from urban region to the outside mainly focuses on such sectors as auto and motorcycle accessory, food and beverage, textile and garment industries.From now to the near future, its transfer area mainly involves outskirts, then ambient cities and medium-sized cities, finally up to farther cities and counties in the Three Gorges Area. On the basis of the analysis of enterprises' spatial transfer,the paper makes a key study on the spatial amalgamation and cooperation pattern between the urban enterprises and the enterprises in the Three Gorges Area. Meanwhile, the analysis and discussion are made to the different patterns. Now, the spatial transfer of the enterprises in Chongqing is at the fledgling stage and only involves outskirts of the urban area. The amalgamation and cooperation of the enterprises between urban area and Three Gorge Area is mostly exogenous with a characteristic of vertical cooperation in the link between enterprises. Endogenous network for the spatial link between enterprises has yet to be established. The amalgamation and cooperation between urban enterprises and the enterprises in the Three Gorges Area has boosted the development of the enterprises in the Three Gorges Area as well as the improvement of their production technology and played an active role in the development of the socioeconomy in the Three Gorges Area.
Geographical Research
中国科学院知识创新工程项目 (kzcx2 30 7)
urban region of Chongqing
Three Gorges Area
spatial transfer
spatial amalgamation and cooperation