介绍了对使用过的润滑油不经预处理直接在薄层色谱板上同碘进行反应,用 TLC 扫描仪测定了使用过油中的 ZDDP。并用^(31)P-NMR 和 TLC 考察了使用过的润滑油中 ZDDP的分解产物。结果表明,在使用过的润滑油中,ZDDP 的碱性盐不断减少,中性盐不断增加,并对其他一些有意义的结果进行了讨论。
A report is given on the application of in situ reaction technique on TLCplate to analysis ZDDP in used Iubricating oil.The oil sample without preli-minary separation is applied to the plate,and the iodine solution is placedon top.The reaction is allowed to proceed for half hour and then developedin the normal manner,determined by TLC scanner.The examination of deco-mposition products of ZDDP during using period by TLC,^(31)P-NMR,indicatesthat amount of basic ZDDP decreased and normal ZDDP increased in fubri-cating oils with increasing testing time.Other significant results have alsobeen discussed.