冷战后俄罗斯面临严峻的地缘政治形势 ,这主要是因为俄自身实力的削弱 ,美国、伊斯兰极端势力的渗透和中亚各国离心倾向的加强。与美国在中亚的争夺 ,比起 19世纪与英国的争夺 ,俄明显处于劣势。冷战后俄的中亚地缘政治战略的基本内容将以远交伊朗、近联哈萨克为重点 ;以打击阿富汗恐怖势力 ,全面控制吉、塔为掩护 ;以缓解土、乌分离倾向 ,纳入一体化轨道为阶段目标。俄的中亚地缘政治战略近期面临天时地利人和的良好条件 ,一定会取得成果。
The grave geo political situation facing Russia after the cold war is mainly due to the weaker Russian strength, infiltration of U.S and Islamic extremists and stronger centrifugal trend of central Asian countries. In the scramble for central Asia with U.S, Russia is obviously at disadvantage compared with its fight over the region with Britain in 19th century. After the cold war, Russian geo-political strategy in central Asia is featured by establishing intimate relation with Iran and Kazakhstan as its focus; attacking the terrorist force in Afghanistan, controlling Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan as a mask and alleviating the potential disintegration of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan and incorporating them into the integration as a phase target. Russian geo-political strategy in central Asia has met with a favorable opportunity lately, with positive results to be achieved.
Journal of Xinjiang University(Social Science Edition)