由于我国天然气资源大量发现以及原油价格的逐渐上涨 ,使利用天然气的技术和规模都获得快速发展 ,天然气的研究与开发越来越受到人们的关注。从天然气 (煤层气 )化工 (包括C1 化工 )最新技术成就及总体发展趋势来看 ,天然气将有取代石油化工之势 。
The gradually rising oil price and the discovery of large amount of natural gas resources in our country make the technology and scale for utilizing natural gas resources to produce same kind of product progress quickly The research and development of natural gas are getting more and more attention in the world Judged by up to date technical achievements and general development trend of natural gas (coal derived gas),including the carbon derived chemical industry,this paper indicates that the natural gas will have the tendency to substitute for petrochemicals and we should pay attention to it
Techno-Economics in Petrochemicals