目的 :探讨老年人穿孔的颞颌关节盘特点和规律。方法 :113具老年尸体标本 2 2 6侧颞下颌关节 ,福尔马林液固定 1年 ,常规解剖取出关节盘观察 ,取全部穿孔的关节盘 ,记录穿孔的部位、大小。结果 :①样本平均年龄女性高于男性 ,穿孔者与非穿孔者无明显差别 ;② 30例 40侧颞下颌关节有关节盘穿孔 ;③矢状方向上关节盘中 1/3及双板区的穿孔分别为 2 5 /6 9( 36 .2 % )和 2 4/6 9( 34.8) % ,冠状方向上关节盘中 1/3和外 1/3的穿孔依次为 33/6 9( 4 7.8% )和 30 /6 9( 4 3.5 % ) ;④大于关节盘本体部表面积 1/9的穿孔占 80 %。结论 :老年人关节盘穿孔主要发生在关节盘中带的外、中份及双板区的外、中份。
砄bjective: To investigate the anatomic features of the perforated disc in aged people. Methods: 226 TMJs from 113 cadavers (63 males aged 74.50±13.19 years old and 50 famales aged 81.96±10.77) preserved in formalin for more than 1 year were included. Discs were anatomically taken out and all the perforated discs were recorded for the perforation site and size. Results: 1. Perforation was found in 12 discs of males (aged 75.33±15.36 years old) and 28 discs of famales(aged 88.14±9.07) . 2. The perforation situated in the middle third sagittal and bilamina region was found in 25/69(36.2%)and 24/69(34.8%)respectively, and in central and lateral third coronal in 33/69(47.8%)and 30/69(43.5%)respectively.3. 80% disc perforation was larger than the 1/9 of the area of the disc upper surface. Conclusion: Perforation in TMJ disc of aged people may be predominantly in lateral and central third of the middle part and bilamina region.
Journal of Practical Stomatology
No .39370 1 95