复合香型白酒是指以清、浓、酱、米4种香型为基本香型 ,由其中两种或两种以上的基本香型复合派生而出的白酒 ,如西凤酒、白云边酒、景芝白干酒、四特酒、双雄醉酒等 ,其生产工艺多种多样 ,精湛绝妙 ;其香气具有多类型。
Fen-flavor, Maotai-flavor, Luzhou-flavor and Rice-flavor are the four basic flavors and the liquor with its flavor compounded by at least two of the basic four flavors is known as Multiple-flavor liquor such as Xifeng Liquor, Baiyunbian Liquor, Jingzhi Baigan Liquor,Si′te Liquor and Shuangxiongzhui Liquor etc.and their production techniques and their liquor flavor and styles are multiple.(Tran.by YUE Yang)
Liquor-Making Science & Technology