目的 评价KTP激光泪道成形术对泪道阻塞治疗的效果。方法 泪道阻塞患者 136例 181眼用KTP Nd∶YAG激光第 1次治疗后泪道未通者 ,间隔 2周再次治疗 ,2次治疗后泪道仍未通者不宜再行激光治疗。激光波长 5 32nm ,功率 8~ 14W ,脉宽 10 0~ 15 0ns,脉冲频率 30 0 0~ 5 0 0 0Hz,光纤芯径 0 3~ 0 6mm。结果 第 1次治疗后 4 5例 5 8眼再次阻塞 ,2次治疗后 2 1例 2 7眼泪道恢复通畅。治愈率 82 3% ,随访 6~ 12个月 ,无并发症发生。结论 泪道KTP激光成形术是一种安全、简便、有效的治疗泪道阻塞的方法。
Objective To elevate the effect of KTP laser dacryocystoplasty in the treatment of lacrimal duct obstruction. Methods 181eyes of 136 cases with lacrimal duct obstruction were treated by KTP laser (Wave length 532nm, Power 8-14 W. Pulse width 100-150 ns, Pulse frequency 3000-5000 Hz, Optical fibre diameter 0 3-0 6 mm.) The patients who were failure by the first treatment would be retreated after 2 weeks. The patients whose lacrimal duct were obstructed after the second treatment may not be treated again by KTP laser. Results 58 eyes of 45 cases were obstructed again after the first treatment, 27 eyes of 21 cases recovered, straight way after two treatments in the follow up for 6-20 months, the success rate was 82 3%. No postoperative complications were observed in any patients. Conclusion The KTP laser dacryocystoplasty is a safe, simple and effective method for treatment of epiphora duo to obstruction of the lacrimal duct.
Chinese Journal of Laser Medicine & Surgery