在本届ITMA Asia上,欧洲染整机械制造公司的主导地位和实力是显而易见的,在他们的设备上都体现着相似的设计宗旨:效率、最终产品质量、环保、节能以及在控制和监测功能方面大量使用微处理机技术。而亚洲展商规模相对偏小,很难引起本土以外客户的关注。真正的新发明数量有限,更多的是公众熟知的加工线以改良或提高后的形式出现。文中就各家制造商展出设备的技术水平与特性作了简要介绍,以期读者能从中看出端倪。
The dominance and strength of the European machinery firms serving the dyeing and finishing segment of the industry was forcibly underlined at ITMA Asia 2001. Their equipment all serve the high-end market and reflect similar design objectives: performance, end-product quality, environmental friendliness, energy effciency and optimum use of microprocessor technology in control and monitoring functions. The threat from those Asian competitors serving the lower-end market was also evident on the show, but most of their exhibits were small offerings of little interest outside their national or regional border, and few of real innovations, only some were seen in modified or upgraded forms. The article introduces the typical features and latest innovations of the machinery and equipment presented by some worldwide well-known dyeing and finishing machinery suppliers.
China Textile Leader