政策性金融在资源配置中具有特殊作用 ,西方发达国家的历史经验也表明政策性金融的发展为经济发展所必须。统观我国 1994年以来的金融实践以及未来的经济、金融发展 ,我们发现 ,我国政策性银行的地位需强化 ,体系待完善 ,我们可从加快建立政策性金融法规和专门的政策性金融监管机构、拓宽政策性银行的筹资渠道、加强现有政策性银行的建设及适时增设新的政策性金融机构几个方面出发 ,以建立符合中国国情的较为完善的政策性金融体系。
The policy-related banks play a special role in the allocation of resources , and the historical experiences in the developed their countries have proved the necessity of the policy-related finance in developing their economy. Having surveyed the financial practice since 1994 and considered the future economic and financial development, we find that our country's policy-related banks' position should be strengthened and the system should be consummated . Quickening the establishment of relevant policy-related financial regulations and special financial supervisory organizations , widening the funds-raising channels , strengthening the existing policy-related banks construction and building more policy-related financial institutions are the reasonable solutions to the above mentioned problems in order to set up a comparatively perfect policy-related financial system which suits with China's state situation.
Modern Finance and Economics:Journal of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics