
种植体在上颌骨复合体应力的三维有限元分析 被引量:10

Three-dimensional finite element analysis of implant in human maxillary complex
摘要 目的:比较种植体在上颌骨复合体前、中、后3个部位,在垂直和水平载荷下的应力分布,讨论种植体在上颌骨复合体中的生物力学行为。方法:采用三维有限元法。结果: 种植体在上颌骨复合体内,加载后,上颌骨复合体各部位应力均较小,较加载部位和种植体内应力小。上颌骨复合体前、中、后3个种植体比较,种植体和上颌骨复合体应力后牙大于尖牙大于前牙。结论:上颌骨复合体具有良好的使集中受力分散的作用,上颌骨复合体内种植具有良好的生物力学可行性。 Objective: To compare the stress distribution of implant in maxillary complex in anterior, medium and posteriorregion under vertical and horizontal loading.Methods:Three-dimensional finite element analysis method was used.Results: The stresses of implant in maxilllary complepx were smaller than the stresses in implant and the loadingarea.Comparing of the implant in anterior, medium and posterior region in the maxillary complex , stress order implantand maxillary complex was obtained as follows: biggest in posterior teeth, bigger in the canines and least in incisors.Conclusions: Maxillary complex possesses good function to scatter the converging force. Implant in maxillary complex isavailability for good biomechanism.
出处 《口腔颌面修复学杂志》 2002年第1期8-11,共4页 Chinese Journal of Prosthodontics
关键词 上颌骨 种植体 三维有限元法 应力分析 生物力学 implant maxillary complex three-dimensional finite element method stress analysis
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