目的 报告 6例椎管内肠源性囊肿的临床表现、诊断及治疗。方法 分析 6例椎管内肠源性囊肿的病史、临床表现及诊断、治疗情况 ,结合文献加以分析讨论。结果 6例皆在儿童期发病 ,5例以神经根性疼痛起病 ,6例均有脊髓受压表现 ,2例症状有反复 ,3例有脊柱畸形。 5例手术全切 ,1例大部切除 ,均取得较好疗效。结论 椎管内肠源性囊肿是良性先天性发育异常疾病 ,手术治疗效果好。
Objective To review the clinical features,diagnosis and treatment for intraspinal enterogenous cysts.Methods The clinical presentations,diagnosis and treatment for 6 patients were analyzed on the basis of literature review.Results All of 6 patients were operated.Total removal of the enterogenous cysts was carried out in 5 cases.The remaining one had near total removal. All patients had satisfactory outcome following surgery.Conclusions Intraspinal enterogenous cysts are congenital benign disease and the surgical outcome is good. In order to improve the results of surgical treatment,early diagnosis with MRI and minimally invasive operation are advocated.
Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery